Horse Apple

Horse Apple

Outdoor Sculpture



 1200 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA, 30075

When artist James Hetherington was a child, he would take a long a walk from the dairy barn to the cow pasture and journey into the cedar forest. His adventures took him to meet packs of coyotes and tall horses. Curiosity and wonderment inspired him to follow these ginormous horses. He would watch them graze and eat from the Horse Apple trees. A donation from the artist and Roswell Arts Fund as a gift to the city. 2018

Medium type: Steel

Date created: 2018

Dimensions: 15′ x 8′ on 32″ x 32″ x 2.5″ base

Location Info

1200 Woodstock Road

1200 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA, 30075